About Us
After 3 long years of patiently waiting, it’s finally HERE!!! Be Flawless Skin is revamped and better then ever! Made with the highest quality and active ingredients that will change the game of your skin care regimen. However, if you don’t have a skin care regimen yet, our products are the way to start!
Skin care has been my passion since I was 16 years old! I became obsessed with the idea of having clear skin, so I tried every skin care line you can think of. Yes, some would do the trick for the first few weeks and then out of no where my skin would get irritated. It wasn’t until I met my friend and partner Judi Castro who I like to call, “The Skin Guru” that changed it all for me. She taught me everything there was to know about my skin and why I was getting irritated so easily with the products I was using. Well, she’s the one who discovered I have Rosacea, a skin condition that isn’t curable, but definitely treatable, and thanks to her I became even more obsessed with skin care. This time I was obsessed with the idea of creating my own skin care line with ingredients that wouldn’t further irritate my rosacea, but still strong enough to treat my skin and keep it looking healthy and youthful. Judi and I got together and made it happen! Be Flawless Skin is more than just a skin care line! It’s made with love, passion and from two women who want to age gracefully and happily! Enjoy it.... because we guarantee you’re going to love it.